Reflections on One Year as a Solo Practitioner

The idea for starting Baucum Law Firm, PLLC began way back in 2014. I was enrolled in graduate school at The University of Southern Mississippi earning a Master of Science in Economic Development. My cohorts had encouraged me to apply to law school and always made the comment “You have to work for yourself.” Fast forward 6 years to the summer of 2020, mid-pandemic and the opportunity to start Baucum Law Firm, PLLC arose. And I took it. Now, one year later, my life without this law firm seems distant and markedly different than the one I am living today. Celebrating milestones and reflecting on the journey it took to achieve them is what I do best, and this blog will share what I’ve learned and what I expect out of BLF’s second year!

The first lesson learned is that people are ready and willing to help, one must only ask. On the day I decided to start building the framework to support a law firm, I sent a simple text message to one of my cohorts from graduate school: Baucum Law Firm, PLLC – it’s happening. He responded with a folksy “’bout time” and he immediately offered to take professional pictures for BLF. My logo was designed by my friend and I have a “pro bono” marketing team that helps edit posts and brainstorm new ideas for connecting with potential clients. Beyond the support that friends and family provided, help and insight from my colleagues in the legal profession has been invaluable. There is an entire network of lawyers from Ole Miss Class of 2018 and the Jones County Bar Association who provide behind the scenes consults almost every week.

The second lesson learned is that unhappiness is a choice and you are the solution. Practicing law is one of the coolest professions one can have. It’s thrilling speak for clients and to help them navigate a legal system as challenging as the American system. The stresses of the job can make this high-pressure profession seem joyless. However, when those things are pulled away, there should be a core purpose that makes lawyering worth it. This is true for any job, really. Without a core purpose that adds meaning and joy to one’s life, unhappiness becomes the default. BLF has taught me that those things can change, but not without taking the plunge.

The final lesson learned is that building something takes time, especially a law firm. After all, Rome wasn’t built in a day. BLF started with a Facebook page and my cell phone. My first client meeting occurred in my apartment. My first cases were simple projects for family members. However, slowly but surely, the client list grew. One day, BLF launched a website and then appeared in court, and then moved into an office. We developed a full-fledged law firm in a matter of months, one step at a time.

Moving forward, I hope to see BLF continue to grow a client base and eventually hire a legal assistant or two. I look forward to serving my hometown and the surrounding counties in the areas of family law, property law, wills & estates, and business law. Thank you for reading this blog and please contact BLF for all your legal needs!

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